Practicing Bagua

Here I describe the teachings of Master He Jing Han, 5th Generation practitioner of the BaguaQuan lineage. Much better sites for more info: and Purpose: for the students of Master He Jing Han and also for myself to discuss and record our own experiences in our practices. I would like to invite students to please comment on what I post. I must stress that I am a BEGINNER, and in no way try to present myself as an authority.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Q & A with He Laoshi: Time of day and practice

Q: I have a question: in a kungfu magazine article you said that beginners should not practice between 11am and 1pm. In Taiwan during our private lesson you told me I shouldn’t worry so much about the time of day. Does it depend on the type of training?

A: Dear Martin:
It is a very good idea on your web, you can post this information to public, let more people and students join this plane.
About the time 11~13 noon, if your blood and Qi can not calm down when you practice, it is better to avoid that period of time, but sometimes I choose that time to practice in the past to calm myself down, it depends on whether you know what you are doing.

** Thank you, He Laoshi, for your answer! So we need to be aware of ourselves, our mindsets, our mood, and bodily condition...and then adjust our training and purpose accordingly? If I'm overly energized, I should practice with the intention of calming down? And the opposite, if I feel a lack of energy, I want to energize myself through my training?

A: Sometimes we can (should) follow our body condition or mood to practice, so, yes, we need to be very aware of ourselves.


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